800.886.2231 [email protected]

How can I backup my data?

Removable hard drives these days are very inexpensive. A simple way to backup is to have a second copy of your data on a separate drive. DVD is also a good, though size limited, method to backup critical data. Try to avoid any backup software or compression, sometimes...

How do I package my disk drive?

If you have a box from a drive manufacturer with foam rubber inserts that the drive fits into, this is the optimum way to ship your drive. If not, the next best way is to first seal the drive in an anti-static bag. Then wrap it up in plastic bubble wrap, going around...

What is the “Blue Screen of Death”?

If your system blue screens when you are trying to boot or during the middle of an operation it could mean that your operating system is damaged, there could be bad sectors on your hard drive that the system is unable to read, your hard drive could be failing, you...

Will this void my warranty?

We are authorized by all of the hard drive manufacturers. A label will be placed on the hard drive to show the drive has been opened in a clean room environment. You’re warranty coverage will not be changed.